BOMBARDIER is a new concept of biostimulant of plant origin. It is complete and versatile, due to its exclusive process of natural obtainment by bacterial fermentation. This exclusive process of natural obtainment gives BOMBARDIER, in its overall composition, 2 large blocks of organic elements: A first block consisting of a specific and complete aminogram, bringing us a balanced biostimulation and biofertilization; along with fulvic acids and their complexing power that improves soil structure; and organic matter to regenerate microbial flora and nutritional contributions. The second block provides macronutrients, especially organic nitrogen, natural biostimulants (betaines, auxins, vitamins, proteins, enzymes, etc.), and carbohydrates (various polysaccharides). All this provides an exclusive and differentiating formulation that enables BOMBARDIER to reach optimal results due to its high absorption and assimilation levels. This provides crops with assistance to overcome stressful phases, better plant development, increases in fruit size, increases in quality and yield, and improvements in the land structure when applied via soil.
XTENDER ROW is a regenerator of the soil’s microbiota formulated with prebiotic molecules which act as a substrate that promotes the development of beneficial microorganisms. When applied to the soil, the organic molecules it contains, similar in nature to the crop’s root exudates, potentiate the positive microorganisms that constitute the Core Microbiome of the soil, which are already are adapted to the crop. Additionally, it has secondary metabolites obtained from bacterial fermentation, that have a direct and immediate action over soil and crop biostimulation. Dysbiosis: imbalance: microorganisms, metabolic activity, distribution. Xtender Row is more than a soil generator. It also has a powerful bio stimulating action when applied via foliar, highlighting its mixing capacity with both pesticides and fertilizers. So, it is recommended to apply directly to the crop after sowing, once the crop has enough foliar surface to catch the broth. When applied during this phase, the product reaches both the crop and the soil, transforming the soil’s organic matter, improving aeration and fertility, as well as complexing soil nutrients. Thus, the roots develop in a better medium, increasing nutrients uptake.
FRUCTON FL is a bioactivador developed to homogenously increase fruit caliber and weight. FRUCTON FL contains certain amino in its that complement in total harmony with other active ingredients such as nucleic acids, betaines, and vitamins, to promote cell division and stimulate the natural synthesis of growth hormones in fruits. With FRUCTON FL we obtain greater caliber, better quality, more homogeneity in the harvest, and addition to preventing cracking in the fruits.
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